I’ve been toying with the idea of moving my office from its current location in a three-story office building to an empty house I recently bought on a beautiful lake.
In preparation, I’ve been cleaning up around here – to get rid of junk I don’t need and lighten the load for the movers.
In an extra desk which I never use, I found a drawer that jammed when I tried to open it.
I pulled harder and harder ... until I heard the "snap" of something breaking.
Then the draw opened easily.
Inside, I found crammed, in no order, a bunch of old audio cassettes and CDs.
The labels – in my sloppy handwriting – told me that these were masters of various talks, lectures, radio interviews, and tele-seminars I’ve conducted over the years.
The "snap" was the plastic case of one of the audio cassettes breaking. Fortunately, the tape inside wasn’t damaged.
Anyway, I gathered all these tapes and CDs, dumped them into a big cardboard box, and took them home.
Then I spent most of the weekend listening to these old recordings – all of which has survived in good condition despite years of neglect.
When I finished, I was shocked at how well the ideas in many of these talks – ranging from recent to decades old -- hold up.
But I really shouldn’t be ...
Technology changes. Society changes. The world changes. All the time.
But people – and human psychology – remain pretty constant … and have throughout the ages.
So a powerful marketing technique that worked like gangbusters in 1950 will -- in all probability -- work just as well today.
To bring these ideas to a bigger audience, I’ve decided to turn my old lecture masters into a series of CD audio programs.
I’ve already selected my top half-dozen to feature in the first program in the series, immodestly titled Bob Bly’s Marketing University.
With your permission, I want to send you these lectures to listen to – absolutely risk-FREE – in the privacy of your home or office for 90 days, before you decide whether you want to own them:

Okay. Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in my portable Marketing University ...
Lost Marketing Lecture #1: Advertising Secrets
A few years ago, a couple of ad agency guys had me as a guest on their radio program.
They were nice guys, and eager to learn what direct marketers know that general ad agency types don’t.
And I did not disappoint them. In this interview, you’ll discover:
- The most common mistake made in direct marketing – and how to avoid it.
- How to know which of your competitors promotions are making money hand over fist – and which are dogs.
- What works better in advertising – long copy or short copy? And why?
- What the baby in the Michelin Tires commercial can teach you about reaching your prospects on a deeper emotional level.
- Should entrepreneurs do their own marketing – or hire high-priced ad agencies and marketing consultants?
- How to overcome price resistance and "sticker shock" when your product is the most expensive in its category.
- Why conventional e-mail marketing almost never works … and how to make your own e-mail incredibly profitable.
- Which is more effective online – text or HTML e-mail? The answer may shock you.
- A proven technique for breaking through the clutter and compelling the prospect to read your ad copy.
- And more ...
Lost Marketing Lecture #2:The 1-Hour E-Zine Writing Formula
In this tele-seminar, Deb Weil interviews me about how to create a successful online marketing program centering on the offer of a free e-newsletter.
During the call, we discuss:
- How to sell hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of your products and services annually to your e-newsletter subscribers with the "Agora Model."
- Quickest and cheapest ways to get thousands of potential customers to subscribe to your free e-letter.
- Why creating and distributing a free online newsletter is critical to your Internet marketing success.
- How to create your e-newsletter – writing and design – in just one hour a month ... as incredible as that sounds.
- Which is a better format for your e-newsletter – text or HTML?
- How to ensure that your busy subscribers take the time to open and read your e-newsletter.
- 14 great ideas for content to use in your e-newsletter issues.
- Can you make sales offers in your content-rich e-newsletter? The answer may surprise you.
- And many other online marketing tricks of the trade.
Lost Marketing Lecture #3:Lead Generation Secrets
If you’re a small business, you can virtually assure your success by keeping your lead pipeline full of potential customers.
In this lecture, you’ll discover how to generate more inquiries – from qualified prospects – than you can ever hope to handle.
- How to boost response rates with free sample offers.
- Multiplying response rates to lead generation marketing with the 5-step motivating sequence.
- How to proof to prospects that your product or service can deliver the benefits you claim.
- 3 most important factors to consider when selecting a premium to offer in your marketing campaign.
- Increase returns of reply cards by printing them on these special colors ... and other design tips for increasing response.
- The 4 different types of lead generation offers ... and when to use each.
- How to turn raw inquiries into highly qualified sales leads.
- Getting prospects to respond now instead of later by giving prospects a real reason why they have to reply today – rather than a fictitious one.
- How to generate more leads by using "value-added" offer copy.
- 10 tips for boosting response to lead generation marketing.
- How to secure more appointments with prospects by offering them a bribe.
- And more ...

Lost Marketing Lecture #4:What’s Working in Direct Mail
Many years ago, the Direct Marketing Association of Washington DC (DMAW) invited me to speak on what works in direct mail.
I just listened to this for the first time in years, and guess what? All the direct mail techniques I talked about back then are still just as relevant – and applicable – today.
- How to increase your response rates by making your direct mail look like valuable information instead of a sales pitch.
- The most important thing to talk about in your copy. Hint: it’s NOT your product.
- How to double or triple your response by tailoring your copy to each specific mailing list you’re testing.
- Boosting direct mail response rates by using testimonials – and how to get customers to give them to you.
- How changing one word in the offer "free 30-day trial" increased response rates 15%. Can you guess which word was changed – and what it was changed to?
- Leveraging your brand to create more successful mail campaigns.
- How to create offers that deliver high perceived value to your prospects with minimal cost to the marketer.
- What an apple farmer from Seattle can teach you about writing winning direct mail promotions.
Lost Marketing Lecture #5:Marketing with White Papers
On this CD, my friend, top marketing consultant Mark Amtower, interviews me on how to generate leads and sales with white papers, special reports, and other "free content" offers.
In our discussion, we reveal how to:
- Build your business by creating useful content – and giving it away for free to your potential customers.
- Is blogging a trend or a fad? Must every business have a blog? Will blogging revolutionize your business?
- Write titles for your free reports, white papers, and other free content that compels prospects to send for it.
- Become the vendor "who wrote the book" on your topic or in your field – by actually writing one!
- Educate potential customers so they avoid your competitors – and choose your product or service instead.
- Use free content offers to generate leads and sales on the Internet.
- Create free booklets and white papers that position you as an expert in your field.
- Promote your free content offers online to drive traffic to your Web site ... get people to subscribe to your e-list … and generate inquiries online.
Lost Marketing Lecture #6:Marketing Books and Other "Information Products."
Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff interviewed me a couple of years ago on the topic of how to market books and other info products on the Web.
They asked all the right questions, and when you listen to this CD, you will learn:
- Why you should NEVER use the word "book" in the headline of the ad for your book – and what to put in the headline instead.
- Are blogs the greatest thing to happen to books since the invention of the printing press? Or is their effectiveness in marketing vastly oversold?
- How to make your book an instant best-seller on Amazon.com. Plus: types of books that sell well through direct marketing – and those that don’t/
- Why a traditional book is often the worst information product to market online … and what you should be selling instead.
- The "Agora Model" for profitable online marketing – Agora Publishing uses it to make about $100 million a year sell info products on the Web.
- Does traditional direct mail still work for selling books by mail order? The answer may surprise you.
- Why you need to publish a free e-newsletter to become a successful information marketer online ... and what should go in it?
- How to use e-mail marketing to spike your book’s sales volume upward. It’s quick, easy, and virtually free!
- Maximizing sales with a "product funnel" ... and how to set the price points for your products at different levels of the funnel.
- Increase your online profits and sales through affiliate marketing programs.
- And much, much more.
"I got your B2B Marketing University yesterday and have made it through 3 CD’s. The CD’s are bang on. You packed years of experience into each interview."
--Tim Johnson

The Marketing University you can attend at home -- for less than the price of a single college credit!
How much does it cost to have me help you improve your marketing results?
Well, you could hire me as a consultant. But the billing starts at $500 an hour, with a 10-hour minimum – and the $5,000 is payable in advance.
A number of companies each year fly me to their headquarters – all expenses paid – to spend a day teaching marketing to their employees.
For a one-day on-site training session for up to 25 trainees, the fee is $5,500.
But with Bob Bly’s Marketing University, you won’t pay $5,500 or $5,500 or even $500 to get my marketing advice – or learn techniques, tips, and principles it took me decades to master.
You can get my most powerful – and effective – marketing secrets in this program for only $97. That’s less than I charge for just 15 minutes of my time!
And that’s what it costs you ONLY if you enjoy – and profit handsomely from – my lectures.
If you don’t, the cost is zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada ...
Try it risk-free for 90 days
That’s right.
If, after reviewing Bob Bly’s Marketing University, you don’t agree that the marketing ideas on it are worth at least $1,000 – more than 10 times the purchase price ...
Or you are dissatisfied for any reason ... or for no reason at all ... just return the CDs to me within 90 days.
You’ll get a full product refund – no questions asked. That way, you risk nothing.
One other thing ...
As you know if you ready my e-newsletter or other writings, I have officially "retired" from public speaking.
I’ve always loved giving talks ... but increasingly, I dislike the travel ... and I have decided not to do it anymore.
Therefore, the ONLY way you can hear my presentations is on prerecorded audio programs like this one.
And on Bob Bly’s Marketing University, you get 6 of my most popular talks ever, including my advertising secrets ... 1-hour e-zine writing formula ... lead-generation secrets ... direct mail techniques ... marketing with white papers ... and how to sell books and info products online.
So what are you waiting for?
To order Bob Bly’s Marketing University on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, click below now:

Bob Bly
P.S. Order Bob Bly’s Marketing University today and you get a FREE 50-page Special Report, 17 Secrets the World’s Most Successful Marketers Know (list price: $29).
In it you will discover:
- The "MAD FU" formula for instantly qualifying any prospects ... and knowing whether they’re a good fit for your business – page 44.
- How a tiny Yellow Pages ad can keep your phone ringing with new business every day of the year – page 24.
- Easy "no-brainer" marketing technique doubles the leads generated by your ads, direct mail, and Web marketing – page 3.
- What Great Gatsby author F. Scott Fitzgerald can show you about getting free publicity any product or service – page 40.
- 3 things you must know about renting mailing lists before you send out your next direct mail campaign ... page 14.
- And more.
Best of all, 17 Secrets the World’s Most Successful Marketers Know is yours to keep free, even if you return Bob Bly’s Marketing University for refund.
To Order Bob Bly’s Marketing University ... and get your FREE Bonus Report ... just click below now: